[mvapich-discuss] loopback question

Dave Strohmeyer dstrohmeyer at NetEffect.com
Fri Apr 27 11:43:42 EDT 2007


            I have a question on loopback .


We are trying to install and configure MVAPICH2 to use shared memory for
intra-node communication instead of loopback connections.  I have
installed MVAPICH2 0.9.8 to run over uDAPL on a Linux kernel version, using OpenFabrics code v9045 from the SVN repository.  iWARP
connections are being established and data transfers are working
correctly as tested with dapltest.  We have compiled the MVAPICH2 code
using the -D_SMP_ flag in the makefile, but loopback connections are
still being attempted.  Are there more or other configuration options
that will enable shared memory and disable loopback operations?






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