[mvapich-discuss] MVAPICH2 VAPI and Scaling

Vishwas vvasisht at locuz.com
Thu Nov 2 00:34:25 EST 2006



I have problem with running of my simple parallel codes (like cpi ). I am
not able to get the output when I use -np to be greater than 32.

I am using the following .


I have used IBGOLD and mvapich2 with vapi. I have not changed any thing
(other than the path to install the mvapich) in the make.mvapich.vapi file

Installation has happened successfully on master and nodes. The mpds are
lauched successufully. mpdtrace command shows correct output.


To lauch the mpd

mpdboot -n 65 -f mpd.hosts -m /usr/local/mvapich2/bin/mpd --verbose


To run my job

mpirun -np <num> ./a.out


If this <num> is greater than 32, job get stuck at the about command and
remains there for very long time.


Can anyone please help me to resolve this. 




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