[mvapich-discuss] Running more than 72 tasks with mvapich 0.9.5

Otheus otheus.shelling at uibk.ac.at
Mon May 8 15:32:39 EDT 2006


I think I found my answer at: 

    Problem: Running MPI on a big cluster (>200 nodes) fails.

    	Try to increase the VAPI driver timeout parameter, VIADEV_DEFAULT_TIME_OUT,
    	for the MPI stack. To achieve	this, use the '-paramfile filename' option with
    	mpirun_rsh. For example, you can run:

         /usr/local/ibgd/mpi/osu/gcc/mvapich-0.9.5/bin/mpirun_rsh -np 2 -paramfile ./perfparams -hostfile /root/cluster /usr/local/ibgd/mpi/osu/gcc/tests/PMB2.2.1/PMB-MPI1

          where the file perfparams includes the following line:

In my case, I had to set the default to 31. Numbers bigger than this 
resulted in another error.

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