[mvapich-discuss] Buffering of STDOUT with MVAPICH.

Peter Diener diener at cct.lsu.edu
Wed Aug 16 15:58:38 EDT 2006


I'm trying to debug a parallel code the old fashioned way by inserting
print statements. However, it seems that STDOUT are buffered by MPI on all
processors except processor 0. This happens even though we have a command
line option to do unbuffered or line buffered output from the code. This
makes it hard to figure out when and on which processor the problem 

Is it true that MVAPICH does this kind of buffering? And if so, is there a 
way to turn it off?

I'm using MVAPICH version 0.9.8 on an opteron cluster with infiniband 

The code is started with mpiexec.



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