[IMUG-L] III (Innovative) Music Users Group meeting at MLA

Harden, Jean Jean.Harden at unt.edu
Mon Feb 24 13:36:13 EST 2014

All are welcome at the III Music Users Group meeting, Thursday evening, Feb. 27, 6:30-7:30 in Grand Ballroom I/II. Come whether you already have III or are simply considering the system.

This year's meeting will be a virtual conversation with Jodi Williamschen from the Product Management Department at Innovative, and Nathan James, a  Library Relations Manager with the company. We will have a 2-way audio link, so we can ask questions and hear the answers, and a 1-way video link (we will see Nathan James, as I understand).

This is the first time in a number of years we have had a Product Management person to grill (er..., I mean, ask polite questions). Jodi Williamschen has been with III for years and has extensive knowledge of the inside operations of the product. This promises to be a fruitful session, giving us some more concrete information on how Innovative is handling/planning to handle RDA data in MARC and BibFrame, as well as whatever else we care to ask.

I am told that there will be "goodies" to hand out - they have been shipped to the conference hotel, so I haven't seen them yet. Come and get your III "gimmees"!

Jean Harden, Chair
III Music Users Group

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