[Icicle-announce] Announcing ICICLE Release 2024-01

Guzman, Carlos guzman.109 at osu.edu
Fri Jan 26 12:00:00 EST 2024

ICICLE Release 2024-01

The ICICLE team aims to build the next generation Cyberinfrastructure (CI) to render Artificial Intelligence (AI) more accessible to everyone and to drive its democratization further in solving larger societal problems.

It is with great pleasure that we announce the 2024-01 release of ICICLE CI components.

This release includes the following components:

New to ICICLE CI Catalog
Intelligent Cyberinfrastructure
AI for CI-for-AI

  *   Iluvatar Functions as a Service (FaaS) Control Plane v1.0.0<https://github.com/COS-IN/iluvatar-faas/tree/icicle-release-v1>
     *   Iluvatar is an open Serverless platform built with the goal of jumpstarting and streamlining FaaS research. It provides a system that is easy and consistent to use, highly modifiable, and directly reports experimental results.

ICICLE CI Components Changelog
Intelligent Cyberinfrastructure
Software Architecture and Design

  *   Tapis Federated Authentication Service v1.5.0<https://tapis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/technical/authentication.html#oauth-clients>
     *   New features:
        *   Tenants are now able to determine how long the MFA authentication should last before the user has to re-enter their MFA
        *   Updated HTML - all of the different pages of the authentication workflow now have updated design layouts
     *   Bug Fixes:
        *   The device code flow, starting with GET /v3/device?client_id=, is now working for all login methods
        *   The language for the user code form of the device flow is now more clear
  *   Tapis Pods Service v1.5.3<https://tapis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/technical/pods.html>
     *   Breaking Changes:
        *   Implemented direct access to NFS server instead of routing through Files for volumes/snapshots.
           *   This solves occassional networking hiccups causing troubles when Files couldn't be accessed.
           *   This solves deployment across multiple namespaces as Files access was a stickler.
        *   Health is now split into health and health-central.
           *   health-central deploys with the main stack.
              *   It takes care of metrics, traefik management, and NFS management.
           *   health deploys with computer (health and spawner) in whatever namespace.
              *   Takes care of Kubernetes health and management in a particular namespace.
        *   New deployment files for the above features along with deleting no longer used files.
           *   Works locally as well.
        *   Fix in traefik to properly throw a 500 so proxy backup in nginx works properly when no location is matched.
     *   New features:
        *   Added health deployment that doesn't restart, allowing for easier debugging.
        *   Improvements to NFS permissions
     *   Bug fixes:
        *   Improvements for health regarding processes when new tenants are created while already running.

The ICICLE team is committed to delivering the best software and CI components. We welcome your feedback and suggestions for future releases. A list of all ICICLE components can be found on our website under CI & Software<https://icicle.ai/cyberinfrastructure/software>

Please subscribe to icicle-discuss<https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/icicle-discuss> and post to discuss all installation/build problems, performance issues, features and other miscellaneous questions related to the different software and CI components of the ICICLE project. You are welcome to post patches and enhancements to the released components.

Subscribe to our mailing list icicle-announce<https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/icicle-announce> to stay up to date on the latest ICICLE news and releases.


This release is brought to you by the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded AI institute for Intelligent Cyberinfrastructure with Computational Learning in the Environment (ICICLE) (OAC 2112606)
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