[Icicle-announce] ICICLE Release 2023.10

Guzman, Carlos guzman.109 at osu.edu
Fri Oct 6 16:41:54 EDT 2023

ICICLE Release 2023.10

The ICICLE team aims to build the next generation Cyberinfrastructure (CI) to render Artificial Intelligence (AI) more accessible to everyone and to drive its democratization further in solving larger societal problems.

It is with great pleasure that we announce 2023.10 release of ICICLE CI components.

This release includes the following components:

New to ICICLE CI Catalog
Intelligent Cyberinfrastructure
AI for CI-for-AI

  *   High Performance Computing Applications Dataset v1.0<https://datacommons.tdai.osu.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.5072/FK2/CQUURW>
     *   The High Performance Computing Applications Dataset is a collection of information about loops in high-performance computing programs. The dataset includes details about different aspects of loops, like how many times they repeat and how they access data. It also provides advanced information about how the computer hardware behaves during the program's execution. This dataset is meant to help researchers and engineers improve their programs by understanding and optimizing these loops better.

Software Architecture and Design

  *   iciflaskn v1.0<https://pypi.org/project/iciflaskn/>
     *   The iciflaskn package provides a Flask blueprint that can be registered with your Flask application to endow it with Tapis Federated Authentication Service based on OAuth2. Please visit the Tapis documentaiton<https://tapis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/technical/authentication.html#oauth-clients> and Tapis APIs<https://tapis-project.github.io/live-docs/?service=Authenticator#tag/Clients> to learn how to setup an authentication client for your application.

ICICLE CI Components Changelog
Intelligent Cyberinfrastructure
AI for CI-for-AI

  *   HPC Application Runtime Predictor (HARP) v2.0<https://github.com/ICICLE-ai/harp>
     *   New Features
        *   HARP is now Containerized! Profile your applications by configuring them with the new HARP containers.
        *   Available for use on both TACC and OSC systems via Tapis.
        *   New Jupyter Notebook available on Google Colab and for download in GitHub repository.

Software Architecture and Design

  *   TapisCL-ICICLE v1.0.11<https://pypi.org/project/TapisCL-ICICLE/>

     *   Changes:
        *   Added better positional support
        *   Fixed command parsing and validation server side
        *   Improved login UX with suggestions for auth type and tenant uri
        *   Improved help menus
        *   Added jobs commands
        *   Fixed data formatters to be more flexible
        *   Much improved UX for deeply nested forms for operations like system creation.
        *   Add support for loading existing data when updating services
        *   Fixed a minor issue with the 'exit' command
        *   Improved support for jobs
        *   Bug fixes for postgres pods
        *   Fixed issues involving credential retrieval for pods
        *   Made snapshot commands their own thing
        *   Added authenticator clients command group
  *   ICICONSOLE v0.8.0<https://pypi.org/project/ICICONSOLE/#description>

     *   Changes:
        *   Added support for Knowledge Graph queries that return edges
        *   Added automation for creation and deletion within Knowledge Graphs, past read-only operations.
        *   Integrated Tapis federated authentication
        *   Integration with GPT-3.5 via OpenAI API for natural language queries

Use Inspired Science
Animal Ecology

  *   Camera-Traps Edge Simulator v0.3.2<https://github.com/tapis-project/camera-traps>
     *   Changes:
        *   Runtime configuration updates, principally involving changes to the releases directory structure.
        *   Improved release procedure documentation in top-level README file.

Visual Analytics

  *   Smart Foodsheds Visual Analytics (VA) Dashboard v0.3<https://vaapifrontend.pods.icicle.tapis.io/#/>
     *   New Features:
        *   OAuth2 Authentication added via Tapis Federated Authentication: Log in with your TACC or globus (University, National Lab, Google, etc) accounts.
     *   Changes
        *   Improved save/load functionalities; Saved data is now tied to your authenticated account.

The ICICLE team is committed to delivering the best software and CI components. We welcome your feedback and suggestions for future releases. A list of all ICICLE components can be found on our website under CI & Software<https://icicle.ai/cyberinfrastructure/software>

Please subscribe to icicle-discuss<https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/icicle-discuss> and post to discuss all installation/build problems, performance issues, features and other miscellaneous questions related to the different software and CI components of the ICICLE project. You are welcome to post patches and enhancements to the released components.

Subscribe to our mailing list icicle-announce<https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/icicle-announce> to stay up to date on the latest ICICLE news and releases.


This release is brought to you by the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded AI institute for Intelligent Cyberinfrastructure with Computational Learning in the Environment (ICICLE) (OAC 2112606)
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