[Hidl-discuss] Announcing the release of MCR-DL v0.1

Panda, Dhabaleswar panda at cse.ohio-state.edu
Sun Dec 24 11:28:36 EST 2023

The High-Performance Deep Learning (HiDL) team is pleased to announce
the release of MCR-DL 0.1. This is an interface between PyTorch and
communication backends such as MPI and NCCL that enables
high-performance communication, simple communication extensibility,
and a suite of PyTorch communication benchmarks. This helps an user to
achieve the best performance and scalability for distributed DL
training by mixing-and-matching communication backends.

The new features available with this release of the MCR-DL package are
as follows:

* MCR-DL 0.1:
      • (NEW) Support for several communication backends, enabling
         MPI communication without PyTorch source builds
          o (NEW) PyTorch distributed module
          o (NEW) Pure MPI
          o (NEW) Pure NCCL
      • (NEW) PyTorch communication benchmarking suite
      • (NEW) Testing suite
      • (NEW) Tested with
          . NVIDIA GPU A100 and H100
          . CUDA [11.7, 12.1]
          . Python >= 3.8
          . PyTorch [1.13.1 , 2.0.1]
          . MVAPICH2-GDR = 2.3.7
          . MVAPICH-Plus = 3.0b

The MCR-DL package is open-source, and hosted at the following URL:


For associated release information, please visit the following URL:


All questions, feedback, and bug reports are welcome. Please post to
hidl-discuss at lists.osu.edu.


The High-Performance Deep Learning (HiDL) Team

PS: The number of organizations using the HiDL stacks has crossed 88
(from 21 countries).  The HiDL team would like to thank all its users
and organizations!!

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