[Folkserv] Fw: The ISFNR lecture series: 17 November 2023 at 5 p.m. CEWT: Prof. Amy Shuman

Shuman, Amy shuman.1 at osu.edu
Thu Nov 16 08:59:19 EST 2023

This is similar to the talk I gave at AFS in 2022, but I'm passing on the information. best, Amy
From: Nidhi Mathur <nisfnr at gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2023 5:05 AM
To: Nidhi Mathur <nidhimathur42 at yahoo.com>
Subject: Fwd: The ISFNR lecture series: 17 November 2023 at 5 p.m. CEWT: Prof. Amy Shuman

Dear ISFNR members, This is just to kindly remind you that on Friday, 17 November 2023, at 5 p. m. CEWT, we will present the ninth lecture in the ISFNR lecture series, entitled Narrative and the Promise of Empathy. The lecture will be given
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Dear ISFNR members,

This is just to kindly remind you that on Friday, 17 November 2023, at 5 p.m. CEWT, we will present the ninth lecture in the ISFNR lecture series, entitled Narrative and the Promise of Empathy. The lecture will be given by Amy Shuman, Professor Emerita from The Ohio State University, USA. It will be chaired by Professor Terry Gunnell from the University of Iceland, Iceland. Please see the abstract and short bionote of the lecturer below. The lecture will take place in English and will be accessible at the following zoom link which you are welcome to share with any interested parties:


Meeting ID: 834 0921 1948

For further information, see: http://isfnr.org/isfnr-online-lectures/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/isfnr.org/isfnr-online-lectures/__;!!KGKeukY!3rbd9cq4nxc3NbFkmQwrZKAkJWkwSYQRjb5HMLDkn2AvpQcRgphwzvbM_QQYTS5okhKOxbAEFdrOFu__5_cmzmXc0MTZcg$>

We very much hope to meet you online!

With my very best wishes,

Mirjam Mencej, on behalf of the EC of the ISFNR


Narrative and the Promise of Empathy

One of the hopes, even expectations, of telling stories to others about our experiences is the possibility of empathy, the idea that someone who has not shared those stories will be a witness. Telling about painful, stigmatized or traumatic experiences is difficult by itself, and often our stories are fragmented and insufficient to truly account for what happened. Empathy, then, is triply encumbered, not only because the listener may be unfamiliar with the experiences, and not only because the subject is difficult, but also because the story may be partial, even unfinished. In this talk, I’ll describe some of the tools that folklorists bring to understanding narrative and empathy, including: identity and alignment, tellability, the genres and categories of available narratives, dialogism (multiple voices), and story ownership (including ethical considerations). I will briefly review some of my work on political asylum narratives and then turn to an in-depth discussion of the stories my aunt tells as a hidden child during the Holocaust. My aunt’s story carries a positive message. Empathy is about more than listening; it carries responsibilities. As painful as it is to tell her story, she does it (weekly) to remind people to stay informed and to speak up.

 Short bio

Amy Shuman is Professor Emerita at The Ohio State University. She has received the American Folklore Lifetime Achievement Award, a Guggenheim Fellowship, and other Honors. She is the author of two books on narrative, edited collections on political aslyum and disability, and more than 70 articles and book chapters.

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