[Folkserv] FW: ISFNR lecture on 17 June 2022

Noyes, Dorothy noyes.10 at osu.edu
Mon Jun 13 17:31:46 EDT 2022

From: Nidhi Mathur <nisfnr at gmail.com>
Date: Thursday, June 9, 2022 at 07:50
To: Nidhi Mathur <nidhimathur42 at yahoo.com>
Subject: Fwd: ISFNR lecture on 17 June 2022
Dear ISFNR members, dear friends and colleagues, As a means of encouraging and stimulating world-wide cooperation among folklorists, and to getting better acquainted with each other's research, the ISFNR has launched the online lecture
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Dear ISFNR members, dear friends and colleagues,
As a means of encouraging and stimulating world-wide cooperation among folklorists, and to getting better acquainted with each other's research, the ISFNR has launched the online lecture series entitled The ISFNR Lecture Series: Voices from Around the Globe. On Friday, June 17 2022, at 5 p.m. CEST, we will present the second lecture in the series, entitled The Payada: An Improvised Oral Poetic Duel in a Latin- American Context (see the abstract below). The lecture will be given by Prof. Ercilia Moreno Chá, a researcher at the Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano of Argentina and the Universidad de Chile, a former director of the Argentine Instituto Nacional de Musicología “Carlos Vega” and an adviser on Latin American traditions for the Smithsonian Institution and UNESCO. A short introduction of the Latin American Folkloristics will be given by Maria Ines Palleiro, professor of Orality and Genetic Criticism at Buenos Aires University, retired Senior Researcher in Folk Narrative at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Argentina (CONICET), and vice-president for South America in the ISFNR Executive Committee.

The lecture will take place in English and be accessible at the following zoom link which you are welcome to share with any interested parties:


Meeting ID: 851 9592 2670

For further information, see: http://isfnr.org/isfnr-online-lectures/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http*3A*2F*2Fisfnr.org*2Fisfnr-online-lectures*2F&data=05*7C01*7Cterry*40hi.is*7Cb438d54d64f2433ee89508da40aa40b0*7C09fa5f0e211846568529677ed8fdbe78*7C0*7C0*7C637893397243933319*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C3000*7C*7C*7C&sdata=bnp8xvWgl6nsPYkn3qwIeUkUq5b*2FMEyKJcrJypBKcO0*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!KGKeukY!0RSB6M1gfXkreZrD5E4-O42GHADEYHpU7giSbGYTAd9xNUeJqyhYzUGIzAhyo6_nSEbngDtY5PsxGG0$>

We very much hope to meet you online!

With my very best wishes,

Mirjam Mencej, on behalf of the EC of the ISFNR


The improvised poetic duel is an ancient world tradition that is still present today in Latin America where it takes various forms. One of these forms is the “Payada”, which is performed by two minstrels (payadores) singing and playing guitar. It has become a ritual performance with a special structure and inherent symbolism. Both of these aspects are drawn on in both the private context and during shows, festivities and Cultural Performances (Singer 1972).
The Payada phenomenon is performed with firm respect for traditional gender conventions. Its main objective is to compete by means of drawing on a variety of resources and types of poetic license, in order to prove which performer has the best skills in the art of poetic improvisation within the musical genres of each region.  Expression varies is accordance with the audience and the context in which the performance takes place. Generally, it involves not only poetic art but also rhetorical and argumentative skill. The Payada has a three-part structure: the beginning iin which the payador introduces himself and/or greets the audience; the confrontation of ideas itself, and then finally a farewell. In performative terms, the art of Payada echoes the various phases of performance described by Richard Schechner (1994) in his studies of theatrical performances from the East and West: training, workshops, rehearsals, warm-ups, performance, relaxation and consequences. Improvised duels of this kind involving contests by two or more poets are a widely accepted global phenomenon. Payada as a particular kind of musical poetic confrontation is nonetheless an important part of an Iberoamerican tradition and involves a very unique genre of discourse. Case studies of the art from Argentina, Chile and Uruguay will be presented.
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