[Electronicsclub] Event Notice (9/12) Ford Social

Hensal, Jeff A. hensal.7 at buckeyemail.osu.edu
Wed Sep 7 18:59:20 EDT 2016

Hello Everyone!

I would like to thank everyone in attendance at our first workshop, it was a great turnout. Despite some software issues, we were able to find a workaround to the new Energia update and complete the workshop. Our next event is coming up this Monday with Ford:

Ford Social

Have you ever wondered what is it like to work at Ford? Next Monday we will have engineers from Ford give an overview about what it is like to work for their company. This is a great way to network with company representatives and potentially pursue employment with Ford, not to mention enjoy some free pizza.

What: Ford Talk/Social
When: Monday 9/12 @ 4:30pm
Where: Scott Labs E040 (SOE0040)
Bring: Resume and Hunger

In addition, I would like to remind our members that we are seeking to fill a few leadership positions, namely:

Engineers' Council Rep - Acts as a liaison between the club and the College of Engineering by attending the biweekly meetings held on Wednesday evenings
Social Media Chair - Responsible for managing social media accounts, taking pictures at meetings, and marketing/advertising the club to other outlets
OHI/O Rep - Attends the OHI/O meetings in planning for large scale events such as the Makeathon(MakeOHI/O) and the Hackathon(HackOHI/O)
Webmaster - Manages the club website, tasked with website updates and improvements
Lab Manager - Responsible for inventory, check out/in procedures of equipment and components, keeps the club room in working order

If interested, email electronicsosu at gmail.com with your resume and which position you are applying for. Note that only the webmaster and lab manager positions require previous relevant experience.

I look forward to seeing you all next Monday, enjoy the rest of the week.


Jeff Hensal
President · Electronics Club
Undergraduate Research Assistant · CHPPE
Electrical Engineering 2018 · The Ohio State University
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