[Electronicsclub] Shift Register Meeting Followup

Bauer, Eric C. bauer.432 at buckeyemail.osu.edu
Sat Feb 28 17:42:15 EST 2015

Hello everyone,

Thank you to those who were able to come out yesterday for the meeting! It looked like everyone either completed the circuit build or was on the right track. If you didn't quite finish, couldn't make it to the meeting or still want to experiment with the circuit-these kits are available during Open Lab hours (or whenever with full lab access). We just ask that you keep the project kits in the club room. The code for both Arduino and MSP430 is available here<https://github.com/ElectronicsOSU/Meeting-Code/blob/master/Shift_Registers/ShiftRegisterAnim_MSP430.ino> and the meeting slides are here<https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3e5KFYsKqdBR3NiRTh1My13VkU&authuser=0> (let me know if they aren't). If you are looking for other cool LED projects, check out Instructables<http://www.instructables.com/>!

On another note, the club has big news! We're hosting a Hardware MAKEathon this spring! The MAKEathon itself will be a 24 hour event on April 18th to 19th and will be free to attend. Given that this is the first time we are doing this, we want to make sure that it is successful on a smaller scale. We will be capping attendees at 80 students, who must be OSU students, or 20 teams of up to four. There is going to be more exciting news and details in the weeks to follow. If you want to stay in the loop on this Hardware MAKEathon, please fill out the pre-registration form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1bm4TD97Q80kzc86lClqehqXxME8LEgAHnCo9V3rFBIk/viewform>. This also guarantees you a spot at the event when the full registration process is posted! If you have any questions, please contact electronicsosu at gmail.com<mailto:electronicsosu at gmail.com> .


Eric Bauer
The Ohio State University - 2016
Electronics Club - President
bauer.432 at osu.edu<mailto:bauer.432 at osu.edu> - KD8TJI


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