[Electronicsclub] Component Locker and Possible Meeting/Social Event

Cory Henderson henderson.522 at buckeyemail.osu.edu
Tue May 8 16:25:26 EDT 2012

Hey Everyone,

First, if you have paid dues AND have been certified, you will have just
received an e-mail detailing how to gain access to the components locker.
We have finished outfitting the locker with a variety of resistors,
capacitors (aluminum and ceramic), diodes, transistors, and other
components. Anyone who didn't get the e-mail and believes they should have,
let me know (henderson.522 at buckeyemail.osu.edu) and I'll try to get it
sorted out.

Second, I know its pretty late in the quarter but we haven't had a meeting
yet, and I would still like to get one organized. And since it is late, I
figured we could try for a possible social event. This would ideally be
sometime next week (during the week). If we were to do something like that,
we could either try for a house off-campus or going out to a bar or
something. My place is out by Summit & Oakland, which I figured is farther
than most people want to walk. If anyone has a place and doesn't mind
hosting something, please let me know.

Finally, if we were to do something like that, I would like
to accommodate as many people as possible. So if anyone interested in
making it to the meeting/event could send me (my buckeyemail address above,
please don't reply to the whole listserv) what times would work best for
them (I'm thinking Tu/We/Th ish), whether they like the bar/house/plain
meeting better, and anything else relevant, that would be awesome.

Sorry for all of the run-on sentences that this e-mail is riddled with, and
I hope to hear back for everyone. We will probably finalize the plans for
the meeting/social over the weekend, so check back for that.

Cory Henderson
President, Electronics Club at The Ohio State University
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