[Electronicsclub] Electronics Club Meeting

Cory Henderson henderson.522 at buckeyemail.osu.edu
Fri Aug 31 15:38:19 EDT 2012

Hi all,


The Autumn Meeting for the Electronics Club has been finalized. It will be
on *Wednesday, September 5, from 6:30pm to 8ish, in Caldwell 133*. Note
that it will not be held in the Electronics Lab (CL 078) since we
anticipate a larger group this year.

As mentioned before, this meeting will be going over the basics of what we
do in Electronics Club, Lab Basics, open leadership positions, and some
things that we hope to start this year, such as training workshops and
making kits. We will be making a trip to the actual lab after the meeting
just to show people where it is (it can be confusing to find at first). As
far as food goes, we will probably either provide something during the
meeting or make a trip to Tommy's (Neil & Lane) afterwards.

If you can't make it to the meeting, then it's not a problem. The
powerpoint slides will be uploaded onto the website afterward for
reference. You can also stop by the lab (see open hours on website) and I
can fill you in on anything you have missed.

*Lab Hours*

If you have seen the calendar lately you will have noticed that some open
lab hours have been scheduled. These are my regular hours. If you would
like to come down at a different time, just send an email and we can figure
something out. If you decide to pay our little full membership fee and gain
24 hour access (this will be explained more at the meeting), then you can
also host your own open hours as well.

That's it. I hope to see you all at the meeting.

Cory Henderson

Electronics Club at The Ohio State University
Caldwell 078
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