[Drupal] Looking for a way to pull specific content from one node into another

Keith Newton knewton at hr.osu.edu
Mon Nov 19 14:46:10 EST 2012

Drupal Gurus,

I have found the answer.  I found the setting called "rendered node" buried within my content type.  This has allowed me to show the content.  If you have any other reccomendations please let me know.



From: Keith Newton
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 12:24 PM
To: 'Drupal Developers List'
Cc: 'Hinshaw, Corey'; Kildow, Brian M. (Brian.Kildow at cvm.osu.edu); Brent Roberts (broberts at hr.osu.edu)
Subject: Looking for a way to pull specific content from one node into another

Hell Drupal gurus.  I am working on my events calendar.  Thank you for all the responses.  They have been very helpful.   One issue I am finding is that I am able to reference a node, but I am not sure how to pull specific content from one node into another and display that on screen.  For example:

I have an event content type and a venue content type.  I would like to display an event and then display the location (venue) associated with that event on the same page.  Node reference will get me a link to the venue,  but I would like to display venue information :  name, address, street, etc..   How would you recommend this be accomplished?


Keith Newton
Web Communication and Audiovisual Communication Specialist
Office Of Human Resources @ The Ohio State University
1590 N. High Street, Suite 300
Phone: 614-247-8954
Email: knewton at hr.osu.edu<mailto:knewton at hr.osu.edu>

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