[Drupal] nodes and organic groups?

Matthew Bernhardt bernhardt.7 at osu.edu
Tue Dec 2 12:48:21 EST 2008

  I'm fairly new to Drupal, and am curious whether the thing I'm trying to
do is either impossible, or just something I haven't learned yet.

  We're using Drupal (5.7) to, among other things, facilitate our strategic
planning process. Thus, we have an organic group set up that includes the
faculty and staff, and I've set up a series of wiki pages that contain the
draft of the strategic plan. The first round of comments worked pretty well,
asking the staff to simply comment on each page.
  Now, however, we are wanting to implement a few polls to get a different
kind of input. I've enabled polls, as well as installed the VotingAPI and
Advanced Poll modules - which helps give me the binary poll that I was
looking for. 
  The problem I'm running into is that I want to do a few things beyond what
I apparently can:

* I want to restrict access to the polls to only the members of the
specified organic group
* We're using a separate theme for the organic group to help faculty and
staff identify when they're in the "strategic planning area" of the site -
however, because the poll is not part of the OG, it is using the site's
default theme. If there is no way to restrict access to the poll to the OG,
is there at least a way to specify that poll should use the same theme?

Thanks for any help you can provide - I've learned Drupal so far by poking
and prodding, and I'm hopeful that this is just something I haven't yet
discovered on my own. I'm happy to provide more information (list of modules
we've got already, etc) if that will help.


Matt Bernhardt, bernhardt.7 at osu.edu
Webmaster  +  Fab  Lab  Coordinator
Knowlton  School   of  Architecture
The    Ohio     State    University

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