[Comicsstudiessociety] Academic journals on comics?

Mike Rhode mrhode at gmail.com
Wed Jul 12 08:53:29 EDT 2023

I'm working on something and lifted this list from
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://guides.nyu.edu/graphic-novels/journals__;!!KGKeukY!1DGJ8TMfZD1769NvYxiRM31fKkf4l32b_pHUa1nckga4csBuhF3D5Uiy3-HH-SF6ssfX-ZfyE74qIMGhFw1pvaZPvhk$  (which is missing Inks) but
I think it's missing something else, perhaps out of Europe? Can anyone fill
in anything missing for me?



- European Comic Art
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/eca/eca-overview.xml__;!!KGKeukY!1DGJ8TMfZD1769NvYxiRM31fKkf4l32b_pHUa1nckga4csBuhF3D5Uiy3-HH-SF6ssfX-ZfyE74qIMGhFw1ptOFoqQk$ >
European Comic Art is the first English-language scholarly publication
devoted to the study of European-language graphic novels, comic strips,
comic books and caricature.
- Image & Narrative <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.imageandnarrative.be/__;!!KGKeukY!1DGJ8TMfZD1769NvYxiRM31fKkf4l32b_pHUa1nckga4csBuhF3D5Uiy3-HH-SF6ssfX-ZfyE74qIMGhFw1pX2CZYh8$ >
Image & Narrative is a peer-reviewed e-journal on visual narratology and
word and image studies in the broadest sense of the term. It does not focus
on a narrowly defined corpus or theoretical framework, but questions the
mutual shaping of literary and visual cultures.
- ImageTexT : Interdisciplinary Comics Studies
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://imagetextjournal.com/__;!!KGKeukY!1DGJ8TMfZD1769NvYxiRM31fKkf4l32b_pHUa1nckga4csBuhF3D5Uiy3-HH-SF6ssfX-ZfyE74qIMGhFw1plP49IWc$ >
ImageTexT is a peer-reviewed, open access journal dedicated to the
interdisciplinary study of comics and related media.
Inks <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://muse.jhu.edu/journal/701__;!!KGKeukY!1DGJ8TMfZD1769NvYxiRM31fKkf4l32b_pHUa1nckga4csBuhF3D5Uiy3-HH-SF6ssfX-ZfyE74qIMGhFw1pBM2Debk$ >
- *Inks*, the journal of the Comics Studies Society, features scholarly
research on sequential art, graphic narrative, and cartooning. The journal
seeks to bring together scholarly essays, archival materials, and insights
and discoveries from leading comics professionals. Inks highlights
scholarship from a variety of disciplines and invites essays on all periods
of comic history, as well as considering both a US or an international
comics focus.
- International Journal of Comic Art <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.ijoca.net__;!!KGKeukY!1DGJ8TMfZD1769NvYxiRM31fKkf4l32b_pHUa1nckga4csBuhF3D5Uiy3-HH-SF6ssfX-ZfyE74qIMGhFw1pdfRRLxA$ >
International and multidisciplinary in scope, IJOCA aims to publish
scholarly and readable research on any aspect of comic art, defined as
animation, comic books, newspaper and magazine strips, caricature, gag and
political cartoons, humorous art, and humor or cartoon magazines.
- Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/rcom20__;!!KGKeukY!1DGJ8TMfZD1769NvYxiRM31fKkf4l32b_pHUa1nckga4csBuhF3D5Uiy3-HH-SF6ssfX-ZfyE74qIMGhFw1p8unxHH0$ >
The Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics is a peer reviewed journal
covering all aspects of the graphic novel, comic strip and comic book, with
the emphasis on comics in their cultural, institutional and creative
contexts. Its scope is international, covering not only English language
comics but also worldwide comic culture. The journal reflects
interdisciplinary research in comics and aims to establish a dialogue
between academics, historians, theoreticians and practitioners of comics.
- SANE Journal: Sequential Art Narrative in Education
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/sane/__;!!KGKeukY!1DGJ8TMfZD1769NvYxiRM31fKkf4l32b_pHUa1nckga4csBuhF3D5Uiy3-HH-SF6ssfX-ZfyE74qIMGhFw1p10wqcf8$ >
SANE journal publishes peer-reviewed articles from researchers and
practitioners from a variety of disciplines seeking to add significantly to
the global knowledge associated with all aspects of graphica (comics,
graphic novels, and its related forms) and education.
- Studies in Comics <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.intellectbooks.com/studies-in-comics__;!!KGKeukY!1DGJ8TMfZD1769NvYxiRM31fKkf4l32b_pHUa1nckga4csBuhF3D5Uiy3-HH-SF6ssfX-ZfyE74qIMGhFw1pubWMcQ0$ >
Studies in Comics aims to describe the nature of comics, to identify the
medium as a distinct art form, and to address the medium’s formal
properties. The emerging field of comics studies is a model for
interdisciplinary research and in this spirit this journal welcomes all
approaches. This journal is international in scope and provides an
inclusive space in which researchers from all backgrounds can present new
thinking on comics to a global audience.

- Journal of Popular Culture
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/15405931__;!!KGKeukY!1DGJ8TMfZD1769NvYxiRM31fKkf4l32b_pHUa1nckga4csBuhF3D5Uiy3-HH-SF6ssfX-ZfyE74qIMGhFw1p1k1tPtM$ >
The Journal of Popular Culture continues to break down the barriers between
so-called "low" and "high" culture and focuses on filling in the gaps that
a neglect of popular culture has left in our understanding of the workings
of society.
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