[Comicsstudiessociety] IJOCA reviewer desired

Mike Rhode mrhode at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 10:09:21 EST 2023

Please let me know directly if you're interested. Per the authors'
suggestion, we'll be asking you to reach out directly to the press for a
review copy, so we don't have to pay to re-mail it.

mrhode at gmail.com

Precarious Youth in Contemporary Graphic Narratives
Young Lives in Crisis
Edited By María Porras Sánchez
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.routledge.com/search?author=Mar**Aa__;w60!!KGKeukY!zd0zkt8j_IoyVMN17gogZK2mvnYgr6I7QMPciD4WFS_coykLuoWFlVsLezZb5ni--njXGxlAZxJKA3pyZySIvvg-iLg$  Porras Sánchez>, Gerardo
Vilches <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.routledge.com/search?author=Gerardo__;!!KGKeukY!zd0zkt8j_IoyVMN17gogZK2mvnYgr6I7QMPciD4WFS_coykLuoWFlVsLezZb5ni--njXGxlAZxJKA3pyZySIgMrD3YA$  Vilches>
Copyright Year 2023

ISBN 9781032123592
Published September 26, 2022 by Routledge

*Book description*

This volume explores comics as examples of moral outrage in the face of a
reality in which precariousness has become an inherent part of young lives.
Taking a thematic approach, the chapters devote attention to the expression
and representation of precarious subjectivities, as well as to the economic
and professional precarity that characterizes comics creation and

An international team of authors, young and senior systematically examines
the representation of precarious youth in graphic fiction and autobiographic
comics, superheroes and precarity, market issues and spaces of activism and
vulnerability. With this structure, the book offers a global perspective
and comprehensive coverage of different aspects of a complex and
multifaceted field of knowledge, with a special attention to minorities and
liminal subjects. The comics analyzed function as examples of "ethical
solicitation" that bear witness of the precarious existence younger
generations endure, while at the same time creating images that voice their
outrage and might move readers to act.

This timely and truly interdisciplinary volume will appeal to comics
scholars and researchers in the areas of media and cultural studies, modern
languages, education, art and design, communication studies, sociology,
medical humanities and more.

*Table of contents*

Introduction: Graphic Narratives and the Precarious Condition

*María Porras Sánchez and Gerardo Vilches*

Part I. Representations of Precarious Youth in Graphic Fiction

1. The Ideological Depiction of Childhood during the Great Depression:
from *Little
Orphan Annie* to *Little Lefty*

*Francisco Saez de Adana*

2. Oppressive Structures and Childhood Precarity in *The Witches: A Graphic

*María Augusta Albuja Aguilar*

3. Journey to Adulthood: Visual Representation of a Morphing Identity in
Inio Asano’s *Goodnight Punpun*

*José Andrés Santiago*

4. “A Malaise That We Don’t Know What to Name:” Cruel Optimism and Residual
Disenchantment in Nadar’s *El Mundo a Tus Pies* (2015)

*Katie Salmon*

5. *What Is Love*? Precarious Lives, Precarious Loves in the Works of
Italian Women Graphic Novelists

*Nicoletta Mandolini and Giorgio Busi Rizzi*

Part II. The Young Self in Crisis in (Auto)Biographic Comics

6. *Uncertain Homes*: Trauma, Fracture, and Resilience in Roma Biographies
from the “Children’s Homes” in the Czech Republic

*Andrea Hoff*

7. Finding Voice Within the Objects of Their Lives: Adolescents Writing
Memoir Comics to Interrogate Crisis

*Michael Kersulov*

Part III. Superheroic Precarity

8. Super-Precariat: Socioeconomic Fictions and Realities of Superhero Comic

*Elisa McCausland and Diego Salgado*

9. “What Happens to a Dream Deferred?”: Super Villains of African Descent

*Óscar Gual Boronat and Mario Millanes Vaquero*

Part IV. Surviving in a Precarious Market: Labour Insecurity and the
Publishing Sector

10. Precarious Identity: Labelling Oneself *Fumettista*?

*Lisa Maya Quaianni Manuzzato and Eva Van de Wiele*

11. Amazing Ultradeformer Cartoonist from Ituzaingó: The Memes of Pedro

*Amadeo Gandolfo*

12. In Conversation with Vicent Giard: A Decade Taking Care of a Little

*Enrique Bordes*

Part V. Spaces of Vulnerability / Spaces of Action

13. Crises, New Modalities of Social Struggle and the Emergence of LGBTIQ+
Discourses as Revulsive and Autonomous Responses in the Field of Argentine
Comics (2016- 2020)

*Laura Cristina Fernández*

14. Cultural Otherness in *Der Traum von Olympia* (An Olympic Dream)

*Julia C. Gómez Sáez*

15. Wasted Potential, Disposable Bodies: The Many Victims of Backderf’s *My
Friend Dahmer*

*Monica Chiu*

16. Strike Comics: Representing the Inequities and Absurdities of Academic

Lydia Wysocki

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