[Comicsstudiessociety] Join the CSS Research Librarians Cohort!

Martin, John John.Martin at unt.edu
Mon Apr 3 10:42:27 EDT 2023

            Dear Colleagues,

You are invited to the inaugural meeting of the Research Librarians Cohort of the Comics Studies Society<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://comicsstudies.org/__;!!KGKeukY!3Tvbb73F1EzXwViWccbRIOCBnLkGPsDQ3bpT8TKfF8ktEfQYGhit6PpV3fyrugMEiSlGiQPxeXCdzGakD5B1DaS1bseQy5xeAZE$ >!  We'd like to hear your ideas about how the RLC can fulfill its purpose and support librarians, archivists and curators of comics collections. This year's CSS Conference<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://comicsstudies.org/2023-cfp/__;!!KGKeukY!3Tvbb73F1EzXwViWccbRIOCBnLkGPsDQ3bpT8TKfF8ktEfQYGhit6PpV3fyrugMEiSlGiQPxeXCdzGakD5B1DaS1bseQWmOb9Q0$ > is being hosted at the University of North Texas, and the RLC will be hosting at least one session at that event, so now is a great time to get involved.

When:  Friday, April 21 at 3:00 pm EST (12:00 pm PST)

Where: Zoom.

Register at: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://unt.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkcO2qqD8oHd0eodt-DA_fDqxsof6wLTni__;!!KGKeukY!3Tvbb73F1EzXwViWccbRIOCBnLkGPsDQ3bpT8TKfF8ktEfQYGhit6PpV3fyrugMEiSlGiQPxeXCdzGakD5B1DaS1bseQMAuRDXk$ 

What is the Research Librarian Cohort?

The purpose of the Research Librarian Cohort (RLC) is to assess the needs and represent the interests of librarians, archivists, and curators of comics collections within the Comics Studies Society, to promote collaboration between librarians and the comics studies students and scholars who employ these materials, and to provide fellowship, support, and advocacy for cohort members as they pursue their work in collecting, preserving, and providing access to comics and related materials. The RLC will provide opportunities for continuing professional education in comics librarianship, recruitment and mentoring opportunities for professionals in the field, opportunities to engage with comics studies students and scholars on projects of shared interest, and provide places to discuss their professional and scholarly interests and concerns.

Do I have to join the Comics Studies Society?

Anyone can attend this first meeting to find out about the Cohort and to offer ideas and feedback.  To remain a member or serve as an officer, you must join CSS: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://comicsstudies.org/membership/__;!!KGKeukY!3Tvbb73F1EzXwViWccbRIOCBnLkGPsDQ3bpT8TKfF8ktEfQYGhit6PpV3fyrugMEiSlGiQPxeXCdzGakD5B1DaS1bseQv_cRlus$ 

Call for nominations and self-nominations for the Executive Committee:

Are you interested in nominating someone or yourself for the following positions for one-year terms (note that the VP will advance to the position of President for an additional year)?

*         President

*         Vice President/President Elect

*         Secretary-Treasurer

*         2 Members-at-large

Email your name, affiliation, and the position you're interested in filling to John Edward Martin at John.Martin at unt.edu<mailto:John.Martin at unt.edu>.

The deadline for nominations is end-of-day on April 14, 2023.

Please help us spread the word about this meeting to colleagues who may be interested.  We look forward to seeing you!


The Research Library Cohort Planning Team

Christopher Lopez

John Martin

Matthew Noe

Jenny Robb

Mara Thacker

Scott Walter

John Edward Martin, Ph.D.
Director of Scholarly Communication
University of North Texas Libraries
Pronouns<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https*3A*2F*2Flink.edgepilot.com*2Fs*2F6cb7ed8d*2FWnu7IuHFGEek-JRYH1UKqg*3Fu*3Dhttps*3A*2F*2Fwww.mypronouns.org*2F&data=04*7C01*7CJohn.Martin*40unt.edu*7C303aee0cda394873c37208d96cb9de6a*7C70de199207c6480fa318a1afcba03983*7C0*7C0*7C637660367864467065*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C1000&sdata=i5GoATybsEI6dUM5uFxQxwTzTMjZMwBDdqQsm8peZ5g*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!KGKeukY!3Tvbb73F1EzXwViWccbRIOCBnLkGPsDQ3bpT8TKfF8ktEfQYGhit6PpV3fyrugMEiSlGiQPxeXCdzGakD5B1DaS1bseQjdbWxcM$ >: he, him, his

Email: john.martin at unt.edu<mailto:john.martin at unt.edu>
Office phone: (940) 565-3980
Website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://library.unt.edu/people/john-martin/__;!!KGKeukY!3Tvbb73F1EzXwViWccbRIOCBnLkGPsDQ3bpT8TKfF8ktEfQYGhit6PpV3fyrugMEiSlGiQPxeXCdzGakD5B1DaS1bseQdzHxGFA$ 

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