[Comicsstudiessociety] IJOCA: book available for review Lynd Ward’s Wordless Novels, 1929-1937 Visual Narrative, Cultural Politics, Homoeroticism By Grant F. Scott

Mike Rhode mrhode at gmail.com
Wed May 25 15:49:32 EDT 2022

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Mike Rhode
mrhode at gmail.com

Lynd Ward’s Wordless Novels, 1929-1937
Visual Narrative, Cultural Politics, Homoeroticism
By Grant F. Scott <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.routledge.com/search?author=Grant__;!!KGKeukY!x3FMNRr1PnZGxx4_OUCOUTASIoNhqEYblh31Ac9PIy7a3E3BKj1hkpmlRX7RLZ8xo0wdYAApLxZFgFGTwzOjXMJyTMI$  F. Scott>
Book Description

This book offers the first multidisciplinary analysis of the "wordless
novels" of American woodcut artist and illustrator Lynd Ward (1905–1985),
who has been enormously influential in the development of the contemporary
graphic novel. The study examines his six pictorial novels, each part of an
evolving experiment in a new form of visual narrative that offers a keen
intervention in the cultural and sexual politics of the 1930s. The novels
form a discrete group – much like Beethoven’s piano sonatas or Keats’s
great odes – in which Ward evolves a unique modernist style (cinematic,
expressionist, futurist, realist, documentary) and grapples with
significant cultural and political ideas in a moment when the American
experiment and capitalism itself hung in the balance. In testing the limits
of a new narrative form, Ward’s novels require a versatile critical
framework as sensitive to German Expressionism and Weimar cinema as to
labor politics and the new energies of proletarian homosexuality.
Table of Contents

Introduction: Origins

Chapter 1: The Silent Film, the Sketch and the Portrait in *Gods’ Man*

Chapter 2: Colonial Legacy and the Crime of Scholarship in *Madman’s Drum*

Chapter 3: Lynching, Labor and Homoeroticism in *Wild Pilgrimage* (1932)

Chapter 4: Disobedient Persuasions: *Prelude to a Million Years* (1933)

Chapter 5: The Limits of Allegory: *Song Without Words* (1936) and *Hymn
for the Night* (ca. 1940)

Chapter 6: The Duplicity of the Word in *Vertigo* (1937)

Epilogue: *Dance of the Hours*; or, *Lynd Ward’s Last Unfinished Wordless
Novel *(2001)
Author(s) Biography

*Grant F. Scott* is a Professor of English at Muhlenberg College in
Allentown, Pennsylvania, and author of *The Sculpted Word: Keats,
Ekphrasis, and the Visual Arts* (1994). He has also edited *Selected
Letters of John Keats* (2002), *Joseph Severn: Letters and Memoirs* (2005)
and *The Illustrated Letters of Richard Doyle to His Father, 1842–1843*
(2016), and co-edited, with Sue Brown,* New Letters from Charles Brown to
Joseph Severn* (2010).
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