[Comicsstudiessociety] Field Study at Comic-Con International

Meindl, Michael mmeindl at RADFORD.EDU
Fri Mar 11 01:02:26 EST 2022

Hello All:

I am writing you to let you know about the field study program at this summer's Comic-Con International in San Diego, CA.

The program centers on going to San Diego for a week (July 19-24, 2022). While there, students engage as participant-observers of Comic-Con International, studying popular culture and other intersecting areas through ethnographic methods. Comic-Con is the perfect backdrop to delve into this crossroad of areas as hundreds of vendors and over 125,000 fans gather there to exchange symbolic meaning - and currency! And while Comic-Con features comic books, manga, and graphic novels, students interested in all manner of popular culture can find something of interest to study at the Con, including anime, sci-fi, gaming, film, television, and much, much more. You can see more information about the Con itself at https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.comic-con.org/cci/__;!!KGKeukY!kOec9epm5-79_kcxUmhXAmvfFJQwYCnLbvdTVQP4Jewp4PhIahu_psjoLh-_9iiIder71Ul4pTKr$ .

Students will also have the rather distinct opportunity to make a public presentation of their observations and tentative conclusions at the end of the week as a part of the Comics Arts Conference held in conjunction with Comic-Con. Students will get to see their name in the same publications as some of popular culture’s biggest names. The field study is sponsored by Radford University and led/taught by Michael J. Meindl, Assistant Professor of Media Production and Director of Cinema and Screen Studies, who can be reached at mmeindl at radford.edu<mailto:mmeindl at radford.edu>.

Students will enroll in either a 1-credit or a 3-credit course at Radford University. The 1-credit class will focus primarily on Comic-Con itself while the 3-credit class will also look more broadly at the connections between popular culture, cultural industries, business, and communication. Except for the time at Comic-Con, the courses will be conducted online. Regardless of which option students choose, some work will be required prior to arriving in San Diego, as well as after students return home from Comic-Con.

The priority deadline for applications this year is March 18, 2022. Program information and the online application form can be found at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bit.ly/36N2VrP__;!!KGKeukY!kOec9epm5-79_kcxUmhXAmvfFJQwYCnLbvdTVQP4Jewp4PhIahu_psjoLh-_9iiIder71QXEzud0$ . You can also sign up for our listserv via the following form: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bit.ly/3C8qW8n__;!!KGKeukY!kOec9epm5-79_kcxUmhXAmvfFJQwYCnLbvdTVQP4Jewp4PhIahu_psjoLh-_9iiIder71anlG8MT$ .

Note: Since the program involves research and presentation at a scholarly conference, students may have extra opportunities for funding through their institution’s undergraduate research office, graduate school/college, etc.

Take Care,


Michael J. Meindl, M.F.A.
Assistant Professor – Media Production
Director – Cinematic and Screen Studies
School of Communication
Radford University

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