[Comicsstudiessociety] CFP: ICAF 2023 @ UBC, Vancouver (April 20-22)

Biz Nijdam elizabeth.nijdam at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 08:34:11 EDT 2022

Dear colleagues,

I am thrilled to announce that the *2023* *International Comic Arts
Forum* (ICAF)
will take place at the *University of British Columbia in Vancouver,
Canada,* from *April 20-22, 2023*.

Please see the call for papers below, attached, and on ICAF's website
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.internationalcomicartsforum.org/2023-call-for-papers.html__;!!KGKeukY!2T1RDgeanbfdva7gsEc2B8VuMurY9RPaW1eqEVfRsW2CSVRoV5jh2wdYbyPgIr6RactETRITP1seHNjnCZENhUhruAoqVmiy_rhk5DUJ$  >.

*The deadline for abstract proposals is September 23, 2022.*




ICAF: International Comic Arts Forum, April 20-22, 2023

<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.internationalcomicartsforum.org__;!!KGKeukY!2T1RDgeanbfdva7gsEc2B8VuMurY9RPaW1eqEVfRsW2CSVRoV5jh2wdYbyPgIr6RactETRITP1seHNjnCZENhUhruAoqVmiy_oX5nExP$  >

ICAF invites proposals for scholarly presentations for its twentieth
meeting, to be held on the Vancouver campus of the University of British
Columbia on the Northwest Coast of Canada.

ICAF welcomes original proposals from diverse disciplines and theoretical
perspectives on any aspect of comics or cartooning, particularly studies
that reflect international perspectives. Studies of aesthetics, production,
distribution, reception, and social, ideological, and historical
significance are equally welcome, as are studies that address larger
theoretical issues linked to comics or cartooning, for example in
image/text studies or new media theory.

In addition to the general call for papers, we hope to offer panels and
programming on the following subjects:

   - *Comics and Indigeneity*, including but not limited to comics by
   Indigenous artists and comics on Indigenous issues, such as decolonization,
   Indigenous activism, sovereignty, language revitalization, and survivance
   - Comics theory in the reading of *early modern texts* (and, generally,
   Shakespeare and comics)
   - *Comics pedagogy and comics in human rights education*, including but
   not limited to comics on forced migration, the Holocaust, and genocide

Submissions in these areas are particularly encouraged but not required.

Moreover, this year’s ICAF will also invite accepted participants to take
part in roundtables and seminars on current works in progress, comics
pedagogy, and issues in comics studies scholarship.

The deadline to submit proposals is *Friday, September 23, 2022*.

PROPOSAL GUIDELINES: ICAF prefers argumentative, thesis-driven
presentations that are clearly linked to larger critical, artistic, or
cultural issues; we avoid those that are survey-like in character. We
accept original 20-minute presentations that have not been presented or
accepted for publication elsewhere and prefer those accompanied by images
that illustrate the arguments made. Presenters can assume an audience
versed in comics and the fundamentals of comics studies. Proposals should
not exceed 300 words.

SEND ABSTRACTS (with contact information, a short bio, the title of the
proposal in the body of the email, and 3-5 keywords) by Friday, September
23, 2022, to Biz Nijdam, ICAF Academic Director, at
icafcomic at gmail.com. Abstracts
should be anonymized, as all proposals will be subject to blind review.

Receipt of all proposals will be acknowledged. Applicants can expect to
receive confirmation of acceptance or rejection by Friday, October 7, 2022.

ICAF also sponsors the John A. Lent Scholarship in Comics Studies. The Lent
Scholarship, named for pioneering teacher and researcher Dr. John Lent, is
offered to encourage student research into comic art. Applications for this
scholarship are due by *December 1, 2022*. For more details, please visit
our website.

To help defray the cost of attendance for international guests (outside of
the US and Canada), a limited number of registration waivers may be granted
at the discretion of the Executive Committee. More information will be made
available upon acceptance of proposals.

*Dr. Elizabeth "Biz" Nijdam*  PhD (She, Her, Hers
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://equity.ubc.ca/resources/gender-diversity/pronouns/__;!!KGKeukY!2T1RDgeanbfdva7gsEc2B8VuMurY9RPaW1eqEVfRsW2CSVRoV5jh2wdYbyPgIr6RactETRITP1seHNjnCZENhUhruAoqVmiy_h7Upl_f$  >)
Lecturer, Dept. of Central, Eastern, & Northern European Studies
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus | Musqueam
Traditional Territory
919-1873 East Mall | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z1 Canada | Phone 778 697 6294
biz.nijdam at ubc.ca | *elizabeth.nijdam at gmail.com
<elizabeth.nijdam at gmail.com>* | @bizabeth <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://twitter.com/@bizabeth__;!!KGKeukY!2T1RDgeanbfdva7gsEc2B8VuMurY9RPaW1eqEVfRsW2CSVRoV5jh2wdYbyPgIr6RactETRITP1seHNjnCZENhUhruAoqVmiy_uIY2deJ$  >

Here's how to pronounce my name: uh-LIZ-uh-beth ny-DUM
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.name-coach.com/elizabeth-nijdam__;!!KGKeukY!2T1RDgeanbfdva7gsEc2B8VuMurY9RPaW1eqEVfRsW2CSVRoV5jh2wdYbyPgIr6RactETRITP1seHNjnCZENhUhruAoqVmiy_l3WHQ30$  >
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