[CaCL] Fwd: [Ling-Faculty] [Lingosu] Andrea Martin Colloquium **9:30AM** (March 26)

Schuler, William schuler.77 at osu.edu
Thu Mar 25 19:20:02 EDT 2021

I forgot to mention today, Andrea’s talk is at *9:30 a.m.* — not our usual time!


From: Ling-Faculty <ling-faculty-bounces+schuler=ling.ohio-state.edu at lists.osu.edu> on behalf of Johnson, Martha B. via Lingosu via Ling-Faculty <ling-faculty at lists.osu.edu>
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2021 10:07:14 AM
To: lingosu at ling.osu.edu <lingosu at lists.service.ohio-state.edu>
Subject: [Ling-Faculty] [Lingosu] Andrea Martin Colloquium **9:30AM** (March 26)

Hi everyone,

This is a reminder that we will have our fourth colloquium talk of the semester tomorrow (3/26).  It will be held at 9:30AM (note the unusual time). We look forward to seeing you all there.

Speaker: Andrea Martin (MPI)

Title: Towards a model of language processing in a neurophysiological system

Date: Friday, March 26th, 9:30-10:50AM

Zoom Link: https://osu.zoom.us/j/96760927241?pwd=SXVUTDQwcVVJRDJKd3RCaFhYZWJ4Zz09<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://osu.zoom.us/j/96760927241?pwd=SXVUTDQwcVVJRDJKd3RCaFhYZWJ4Zz09__;!!KGKeukY!jnyxwmNtOUqCvn3KCgKHBkCoPySkkVTxWhpivEok30gjrDSIfz0G6zB76KTrwM9Hh6I8kcU$>


Human language is a fundamental biological signal with computational properties that differ from other perception-action systems: hierarchical relationships between sounds, words, phrases, and sentences, and the unbounded ability to combine smaller units into larger ones, resulting in a "discrete infinity" of expressions that are often compositional. These properties have long made language hard to account for from a biological systems perspective and within models of cognition. In this talk, I synthesize insights from the language sciences, computation, and neuroscience that center on the idea that time can be used to combine and separate representations. I describe how a well-supported computational model from a related area of cognition capitalizes on time and rhythm in computation, and how neuroscientific experiments can then be instrumentalized to determine the computational bounds on artificial neural network models. I offer examples of the approach from cognitive neuroimaging data and computational simulations, including leveraging other existing models and metascience. I outline a developing a theory of how language is represented in the brain that integrates basic insights from linguistics and psycholinguistics with the currency of neural computation.

Prof. Andrea Martin is the Lise Meitner Research Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics and a Principal Investigator at the Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging at Radboud University.

Accommodation statement: If you require an accommodation such as live captioning or interpretation to participate in this event, please contact Ashwini Deo at deo.13 at osu.edu. In general, requests made two weeks before the event will allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to meet requests made after this date.


The Speakers' Committee
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