[CaCL] reading for cacl

Nathan Rasmussen volodymyr.velyky at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 13:37:28 EDT 2015

Some follow-up on Liquid State Machines:

The bucket-of-water paper.

A review paper proposing that executive function in prefrontal cortex is in
fact something like the LSM: The internal wiring is not adapted to a
particular task. Rather, it maintains some (arbitrary?) high-dimensional
representation of current and preceding inputs, which is read off by
rapidly trainable, task-adapted output units.

It additionally suggests that the attentional part of executive control
consists of output units sending activation to sensory cortex (or motor
cortex, or associative memory cortex), telling it "hey, you're on deck,
stay active, retain what you're receiving/do what you're wired to/retrieve
on this cue," which means working memory and attention are actually the
same thing. (There are still neuroscientists who believe working memory and
attention are not the same thing, but I think they're a minority these

A relevant AI koan about Patriarch Minsky and Venerable Sussman.
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