[CaCL] Fwd: [ACL Member Portal] Postdoc opportunity in cognitive modeling of formal/lexical semantics

William Schuler schuler at ling.osu.edu
Wed May 13 15:26:44 EDT 2015

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From: <portal at aclweb.org>
Date: Wed, May 13, 2015 at 12:36 PM
Subject: [ACL Member Portal] Postdoc opportunity in cognitive modeling of
formal/lexical semantics
To: schuler at ling.osu.edu

Postdoc opportunity in cognitive modeling of formal/lexical semantics


The Cognitive Science Department of Ecole Normale Supérieure (
http://www.cognition.ens.fr/) offers a 2-year postdoctoral position, within
a multidisciplinary project at the intersection of machine learning, formal
linguistics, and psycholinguistics.

The goal of the project is to bring together insights from formal
semantics, theoretical linguistics and computational linguistics
(distributional and statistical approaches) in order to derive cognitively
and developmentally plausible models of lexical meaning. More specifically,
the postdoc’s task will be to develop a battery of formally grounded tests
to evaluate computational model of the acquisition of semantic
representations (see here for a more detailed description:

The applicant is expected to build and maintain a high quality research
program and to contribute to a growing international collaborative
community in the area intersecting engineering and cognitive science.
Applicants will ideally combine:
a solid background in machine learning or computational linguistics
considerable familiarity with formal and theoretical linguistics, and a
general interest for issues in cognitive science,
a documented interest for interdisciplinary and team-based research,
research creativity, independence, and productivity.

The salary is set at a competitive European level (between 2400 and 2700
€/month depending on prior experience). We will also provide generous
travel funds. There is no associated university teaching load, although
researchers will be able to participate in the research culture of the
Institute through seminars, supervision of students and other activities.
The applicant's PhD should have been defended and filed by the starting
date. The position will preferably start in September 2015, but the dates
are flexible. Women are encouraged to apply.

The postdoc will be jointly affiliated with the Synthetic Language Learner
Project (syntheticlearner.net) at the Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et
Psycholinguistique (www.lscp.net), and with the LINGUAE group (
sites.google.com/site/linguaeparis) at Institut Jean Nicod (
www.institutnicod.org/). Both groups belong to the Cognitive Science
Department of Ecole Normale Supérieure, which offers an international and
vibrant research setting, at the heart of the Quartier latin in Paris. The
institute has been ranked as one of the top research centers in France
across all disciplines, and is one of the leading interdisciplinary centers
in Cognitive Science in Europe. It contains 70 researchers structured in
interacting teams covering a broad range of topics, ranging from philosophy
of mind to animal electrophysiology, with a strong core in cognitive
psychology and language.

Candidates should send a brief statement of research interests (up to 2
pages), a CV, a selection of published or unpublished papers or
dissertation chapters (up to 3) in a single email, and arrange to have up
to 3 letters of reference sent (directly by their authors) by June 22,
2015. All communication and materials should be addressed to
syntheticlearner at gmail.com.

Contact person: Roberta Pinna [syntheticlearner at gmail.com]
Selection Committee: Benjamin Spector (CNRS, Paris), Emmanuel Dupoux
(EHESS, Paris)
External Advisory Board: Dan Jurafsky (Stanford), Marco Baroni (U. Trento)

Read more:

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