[Aqua-ohio] fish fact sheet and open office hours - today

Smith, Matthew A. smith.11460 at osu.edu
Thu Sep 9 09:27:44 EDT 2021


Please see the Seafood HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) article from Lauren Jescovitch in Michigan - https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/when-do-you-need-seafood-haccp-certification-msg20-jescovitch20. While there will be some differences based on what state you are located in, this should provide a good overview for those interested in processing, including questions to ask yourself. As a teaser, Ohio is currently coordinating efforts to provide additional Seafood HACCP education to farmers in the state. Stay tuned.

Interested in chatting about this or anything else? Join my open office hours today from 11am-1pm (Eastern). As a reminder, you do not have to be located in Ohio, just one of the 12 North Central Region states.

Matthew Smith is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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[The Ohio State University]
Matthew A. Smith
Aquaculture Extension Specialist

Madison County Extension Office
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
217 Elm Street, London, Ohio 43140
740.852.0975 ext 17 Office
smith.11460 at osu.edu
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