[Aqua-ohio] "fish fact sheet" and office hours

Smith, Matthew A. smith.11460 at osu.edu
Wed Jun 30 09:04:08 EDT 2021


I hope all has been well this week.

I'm not sharing a fact sheet or video today but a new website. Bob Pierce and David Brune from the University of Missouri have worked together to develop a new webpage dedicated to Aquaculture and Fisheries research and Extension in Missouri. See below a synopsis of what's on the webpage and what is to come. Just because you may not be in their state, doesn't mean there isn't plenty of great information to learn from the site.



This program and the webpages that have been created will allow us to better promote and disseminate our collective research and Extension efforts as they relate to aquaculture production and fisheries/pond management to clientele in Missouri and throughout the Midwest. In addition, we have links on these pages to the USDA Aquaculture Research Centers as well as other important resources, such as Lincoln University, that also provides research-based information of use to Missouri producers.   And links are created for accessing Missouri Department of Conservation information on fisheries and pond management as well.

This platform will also allow us to include those relevant webinars that you and others have conducted in the NC Region as well – and make them accessible to a wider clientele group here in the state.


Office hours tomorrow, 11am-1pm EDT. Anyone in the NCR is welcome to join. Reminder, oftentimes there is only 1 person, or nobody, on zoom with me at a time during these hours. Want to chat one on one? This is a good opportunity to do so.

Matthew Smith is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: OSU Extension open office hours with Matt Smith
Time: Jul 1, 2021 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 975 5962 6020
Password: 11460
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